Monday 20 September 2010


By ecke it's hot. How you all doing out there?



  1. I suspect that we are all fine out here - still watchful for signs of regulatory excess though and ready to report as necessary. The good old NISCC has been having a series of roadshows and consultations about the next ten year strategy for social work here in NI. The main union to which most social care workers belong is about to start a similar consultation. On the cards is a planned move towards flexible service provision, ie flexible working and extended opening hours. That will not go down well with the already overwhelmed social care workforce here. I can see trouble ahead. Now if they can't get GPs to provide a direct service to their patients after hours other than by an out of hours service why should social workers have to do it? There will be all sorts of problems with manning rotas at night, with child care responsibilities and lone working safety concerns to name but a few. No doubt the NISCC see the move to this as beneficial to clients and it may well be but it sure as hell is unlikely to be to staff.

  2. Now this news is good to see. The NISCC may get the chop yet.

  3. It's all coming true with good old pasty faced George (who was undoubtedly the most annoying oik in his year) fucking up the cuts at the first hurdle with a truly monumental cock up. Quite astonishing how out of step he has shown himself to be with the higher taxpayer child benefit cuts. The spending review promises even more off the wall nonsense like this from this spectacular lightweight with his laughable attempts at gravitas. I can hardly wait to see what he cocks up next.

  4. Less than one week until Mr Samsonite extra light becomes orgasmic as he delivers his cuts with each and every thrust. The signs are not good for the taxpayer after he allowed HMRC to permit Vodafone to get away with £6 billion of tax liability, an amount that is actually more than the beleagured taxpayer will have to cough up. Rather than fight the case against Vodafone it is easier to shaft the poor man in the street. Good old George is off to a great start in making sure that big business prospers at the expense of the public. Why should I be surprised? I shouldn't because it's business as usual for the good old Tories.

  5. Down to less than two days before the pasty faced oik delivers his spending review. Cutting hard is what he wants and he is supported by the great chiefs of british industry. Now tell me if I am wrong but the interests of the chiefs of industry may not actually be the same thing as the interests of everyday people who stand to lose their livelihoods. The annoying wallpaper oik knows that he has to exact the pound of flesh required by old toryism in the shortest possible time before they run out of steam and opportunity. Certainly he would love to decimate the public sector but he may just not take it head on in case it backfires on him. France may just make him think a little more carefully. The quango cull did not bode well for George and fairness - take the CDC for example -it still stands yet appears to be simply a money making vehicle which enriches the city cats who run it while not actually doing anything meaningful about relieveing basic need and poverty. It does not bode well.

  6. Bloody hell has Wilt been kidnapped or what?

  7. The good old outgoing NISCC chairman is bemoaning the fact that hordes of social care workers in NI are failing to register when it is not yet a legal requirement for them all to do so. What planet is this guy on? Who would be stupid enough to pay good money to risk the NISCC terminating your career when you don't have to? I know the NISCC need the money to fund their crazily expensive £570k a year offices but social care workers shouldn't have to foot the bill for this excess and certainly not ones who don't have to.

  8. It appears that someone is back at the helm given that my postings are appearing on here. Wilt has been untypically restrained and one wonders if he has returned from Egypt with the oft associated and dreaded stomach problems..

  9. Indeed, it would appear that someone is back from the dark mysterious place that they disappeared to!
    Whilst the crowd accountably known as "Wilt" have been away, it would appear that the solicitors and whingers have ceased their quest to attempt upset at Regulator Watch, and have sunk back into the quiet place where other bullies live.
    Here's hoping that we see the return of the excellent satirical nuggets of joy which have been absent from these tomes for too long... I've had to succumb to defecting to the Guido blog for my daily dose of political amusement!

  10. Yes I have been having to get my fortnightly dose of biting satire and real journalism from Private Eye. I don't know why things have gone quiet in Wilt's world but he must have a good reason I guess. I am awaiting developments in NISCC and RQIA world to see how they are going to manage to save on their costs. They will probably jettison most of their admin staff as the local health service has been doing instead of getting rid of the top brass and moving to cheaper accommodation. I remain watchful..

  11. Watchful (inherited title should really be Son of Watchful)15 November 2010 at 23:21

    I am beginning to suspect that either Wilt is up to his eyes in work or personal matters, hopefully not any serious illness, or that there is some sort of injunction/legal action going on which precludes him from adding comments to the site at present. He is missed whatever the reason and we hope that he will be back in action soon.

  12. Hmmm - no sign of my comment on the possible reasons for Wilt's lack of presence on the site. The fact that other comments are still being posted leads me to exactly the same conclusion that I commented on in the unpublished comment, eg injunction etc. If this doesn't get posted it probably means that there is indeed some sort of coercion being employed against Wilt to desist from making comments himself. We will have to await the outcome before hopefully Wilt returns to the fray. Be assured Wilt you have the support of your band of free speech supporters. This type of thing must be resisted.

  13. I am pretty sure that I am correct in my opinion.

  14. Apparantly it is going to get very cold this weekend. Here in NI there is a big push to establish an older people's commissioner, no doubt complete with highly paid top brass etc. The bill for quangos here in NI is enormous and a lot of it has grown out of the history of the troubles here. Now getting to grips with economic reality is the priority and it is time to cull these organisations and certainly not to increase them. There should be a rule that 10 have to go for one to remain.

  15. Just checking into see how things are and wishing you well.

  16. Still watching and waiting for your reappearance from whatever straightjacket you find yourself in.

  17. CQC got a real bashing in private eye this week and no wonder.

  18. Still here watching and waiting...

  19. Fuck it Wilt - I am beginning to think that you are in cahoots with Julian Assange from Wikileaks and have some interesting leaked revelations to publish about our not so beloved regulators but are holding back for the moment. Unlikely I know but it is a good theory in principle if not in practice.
    Back to the local regulators in NI it seems that the enlightenment challenged dominant party the DUP would like to get rid of a lot of the regulators here like the Equality and Human Rights Commissions. Interesting targets for our fuckwitted leaders. These are the very people who try to protect vulnerable people from discrimination which, if I am not wrong, has been more than a bit of a problem in NI for the last 40 years. Same old same old.

  20. Still checking in awaiting your return to the fray.

  21. A cop out from NI politicians on the budget and getting rid of the proliferation of quangos here. These idiots are going to cut back on social care instead which is already cut to the bone and only critical needs are considered even though the Trusts are breaking the rules as they have failed to continue to fund substantial needs and the regional eligibility criteria includes these. Of course they are desperate to save money in the current cycle so it will mean really dire straits for needy people in the coming spending cuts. Yet many of the quangos are given a lifeline so far to carry on. They plan to review them but maybe they have many friends in high places in these organisations.

  22. Happy Christmas Wilt! I hope that the new Year will relieve you of the shackles that appear to currently restrict totally your activities on this site. I check in regularly to offer my support. Whatever is silencing you is currently rather effective. I trust that you are well and that the reason for your absence is related to a certain fucking idiot's persistence in giving you trouble and using the law to its worst inappropriate excess to deter you. It never works doing that in the end. Now you know how it feels to live in China except you don't. Best wishes

  23. Happy Christmas regulatorwatch and Wilt.

  24. By Ecke it's not fucking hot these days Wilt but I wish you and regulatorwatch a happy and better 2011 than 2010. Till you return unfettered -au revoir.

  25. Happy New Year Wilt wherever you are and whatever you are doing. I hope that you are well and that you will soon be back in action.

  26. What the fuck is going on here? No comments posted since 4 December.

  27. It is Mrs Hallelulja and Mr Plastic wot done this dastardly deed. Fuck the bastards. They will not win on this. Wilt will emerge victorious. Time will show this.

  28. So now I can comment but you can't. From that I deduce that you alone are not permitted to comment. Shite feckin bastards indeed.
