Thursday 29 April 2010

Dark hole..............

According to several reports to Wilt Mrs C has also been busy, talking to the BBC, ITN News and the Mirror Group about her woes. A certain Salop person reported a visit on their website from ITN and the Mirror Group – not by any means by accident. He also reports certain persons in Oxon had similar visits to their website (BBC/ITN) – the person in Salop is disappointed he had no visit from the BBC!

By some very strange coincidence Regulator Watch has had visits from all three! Excellent, we love it. Bring it on.

What fucking story is she now promulgating, apart from “I am a victim” and “people are out to get me”? No doubt she claims she is “misunderstood, misrepresented and people keep saying things about me. I am a solicitor you know”, as she frequently and (FRAUDUENTLY) claims. We like the word “fraud” as it is so synonymous with Mrs C.

Munchausen Syndrome is a serious condition – it means you staying up all night and spending all day on tasks associated with promoting victim status for the sufferer. Never mind fostering, children, family, doing work  or generally having a normal life – in this case Mrs Fax is faxing, emailing, surfing the net, phoning anyone who is willing to hear from her – not many anymore.

She is a spent cause; she is a “dead parrot” in another scenario and a very, very sad case. Very sad indeed, and very desperate! Her health and that of her family, those she is meant to care for her so called career will be suffering, and if she persists will suffer even more as she and her pet (no longer) MP fail consistently to get even a fingernail hold on her desperate, stale and fraudulent claims.

Bully Girl Mrs C is fast becoming a total non-entity. She digging deeper down that dark hole and a hollow voice cries out – “hello!” Sadly no one listens, no one wants to hear her FALSE cries of despair and victimisation. The truth is that all those agencies, press, local authorities, the Milk Marketing Board and quango have now for a long time “sorted” Mrs C into the category of a “minor irritation.”

It is not nice being in a dark hole – it is damp, dark and rather restricted. Putting yourself in that dark hole is just plain stupid. Some people however just cannot help it. etc., etc there is more news coming in – oooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrr Mrs C. Did she really do that!? Gawd forbid, Gawd help her.



So it seems BASW members are sensible:

Now what will Hilton Dawson do? What a TWAT!


It aint over yet...........

Oh dear, Mrs Shoesmith! And I do mean oh dear because it will be a blow to her and Wilt had hoped (and predicted) she would win this case. Obviously Wilt was wrong, but only technically. Technically the judgement was on a narrow and limited aspect of the case in accordance with the limited scope of the Court to judge.

It is quite clear the Judge was troubled and indicated that the Employment Tribunal would have a much wider brief – and he has indicated where, had he been able, the Tribunal could rightly question Haringey, Ofsted and Ed Ferkin Balls. All the main broadsheets (Guardian, Times & telegraph) reported on the matter as did community care, and in their latest post on the matter summarise where things are left:

One correspondent (to Regulator Watch) has also highlighted this article:

Meanwhile, Brick who has also been away on a break, has posted on Wall this article:

One thing I think all are certain about, this is not a closed case. And in a further article: Ofsted aint free of yet further criticism, nor Ed Balls.

Meanwhile, on an unrelated matter Ed Ferkin Balls would rather risk the life of his kids, himself/wife and others by using his phone in the car – utter fucking Dork.



And the Wilt is back, again. Sailing back to Scilly and then mainland Europe was exhausting and a few days respite was needed upon return to the UK. We are also postponing picking up the boat for a couple of weeks. All this exercise is too much!

Obviously there have been lots going on – Shoesmith, BASW, the election and of course our nemesis Mrs C – our man in Salop has kept us up to date.

The Salty Dog now needs a good holiday, so the Wilt’s are off to North Wales for a jolly good break, and a few ciders – ok several ciders. Wilt might have one or two too!

Anyway – time update the articles on Regulator Watch.


Thursday 22 April 2010

tweedledumb and tweedledee ................

BASW are back in the news again:

Its chairman is throwing his two pennies into the debacle over the social work college, whilst others in BASW are considering a vote of no confidence in the chairman over allegations relating to his business affairs. In turn he has made a police complaint of harassment – now that scenario reminds me of something! Oh yes, I remember, Mrs C was warned by the police, in writing, to desist from her repetitive complaints and bad mouthing certain people. She tries to keep that quiet.

Anyway, back to BASW – what a fucking mess and a disgrace. As for Tim Chittleburgh, who knows where that story is going.

What would Lewis Carroll make of it all? See:

Wilt (from his desk in Malta)


The regulators have been busy again. The Care Council for Wales (CCW) case was something of a no brainer:

Generally a meat cleaver is not a social work tool, not of course that Wilt is prejudiced against social workers with meat cleavers – he is more scared of them, or indeed anyone who has a meat cleaver.

As it was such an easy case to analyse (all the work was done by the police and the employer) there was little time lost in CCW arriving at its judgement.

Meanwhile the General Social Care Council (GSCC) has taken a little longer (3 years) to impose an i8 month sanction in this case:

Personally, I think 18 months is rather disproportionate and especially after the woman admitted her error and it was a professional error three years ago. What exactly does this 18 month admonishment achieve? A far shorter admonishment or even a no sanction outcome could be justified.

Readers may remember this case: and more particularly this article:

Now the GSCC conduct committee did qualify their reason not to make a sanction by stating:

“However, it said this was an isolated incident in a 25-year career and no service user was put at risk or harmed by McLauchlan's actions, making a sanction unnecessary.”

That is a reasonable point, but it still does not explain the very different outcomes of disposal in the two cases. Another Care Standards Tribunal matter, perhaps?

Perhaps the GSCC is slipping into old ways again?

Wilt (from his desk in Malta)

Wednesday 21 April 2010


If the social care profession needs another Dork, one turns up:

There is a further earlier report here:


Wilt (from his desk in Malta)

Slippery sloap.........

Meanwhile the new Supreme Court has forced a judgement of a slightly peculiar nature and questionable wisdom:

Has the correct balance been achieved? Clearly adults (offenders of gross acts) need to be given the right to be rehabilitated but children (victims) seem again to have a limited, if any, voice in proceedings. Why, for example, were not the NSPCC seeking party statuses in such a case matter and strenuously arguing child protection concerns? Where were, with all their money gained through public support, the NSPCC?

Nowhere to be seen – again!

Wilt (from his desk in Malta)

Cafe Malta.............

Wilt has found an internet cafe in a small town in Malta where he can get a reasonable connection speed via Wi-Fi on his laptop. Valletta is just too busy, and since I last came here, far too expensive. It remains however a wonderful city to behold both day and night – its architecture is exquisite and the light for photographers perfect.

The sun is shining and it is getting very hot – we look forward to the deep dive later this afternoon. The sea remains a little chilly this time of year. Later in the year it is just too hot on land whereas the coastal waters (at least) allow free snorkelling without a wetsuit or dry-suit. For now the wetsuit should suffice. Today we dive a wreck or two in deep sea.

Meanwhile we have charted our journey to Sicily and will spend a few days there before embarking for home – and back to work. Not before however visiting again Mount Etna.

However, before all that I have been keeping up on news in the internet cafe.

We see Southall is still fighting his case, see here:

As the article observes:

“Dr Southall is viewed as an expert in Munchausen's syndrome by proxy, a condition which means parents deliberately induce or fabricate illnesses in their children to get attention for themselves.

He pioneered the use of covert video surveillance in the late 1980s and early 1990s, which led to a number of parents and step parents being prosecuted for abuse.”

That “condition” remains to have some credibility (just) provided of course it does not involve Dr Southall directly in the assessment. It is however distinct from Munchausen's syndrome (less the proxy bit) which is the believed condition of Mrs C – she attracts attention to herself as distinct (by proxy) to others. It is a well researched and understood condition.

It seems Dr Southall is not going to give up defending his case.

Wilt (from his desk in Malta)

Big Ben...............

As Wilt has said many times, he is a simple fella who is uncomplicated and, believe it or not, quite restrained. He is taken on occasions by world events and disasters, shaking his head in disbelief at the evil of some individuals or groups and stopped in his tracks at the horror on television of earthquakes and other disasters forced on communities, many of whom the poorest.

Thus, simple minded Wilt was rather taken aback at this news item:

It would appear the (Acting) Friday prayer leader Hojjat ol-eslam Kazem Sediqi (however you pronounce that gob full) of Tehran believes the women of Iran are to blame for catastrophes, as quoted:

"Many women who do not dress modestly lead young men astray and spread adultery in society which increases earthquakes," he explained.

He adds:

"What can we do to avoid being buried under the rubble? There is no other solution but to take refuge in religion and to adapt our lives to Islam's moral codes," he said.

Well, now that Wilt (and the world) has heard these pearls of wisdom he knows exactly what he needs to do – stick the head of Hojjat ol-eslam Kazem Sediqi up his own arse, as he talks absolute fucking bollocks. What fucking planet does he come from?

Gawd help the Iranian people. Gawd help Iranian women.

What next, Mrs C shakes her tits and parliament collapses? Well, actually, that might not be far from the truth – you do not get many of them to the pound!

Watch out Big Ben – you may have found your match!

Yuk, what a horrible thought, even worse a horrible sight – poor Big Ben!

Shiver me timbers, on the Wilt IV.


Tuesday 20 April 2010


How else would you describe the activity, apart from mad?

Mrs C is getting a bit frenetic in her activity on Regulator Watch – generally it is increasing rather than decreasing with her average ranging from 3 to 4 times daily. Even Wilt does not visit that often.

What is also evident is the Leamington Spa friend of James Plaskitt MP is that her hours of operation are generally increasing from around a 7:00pm deadline to a 11:00pm deadline on occasions (averaging around 9:45 pm) and early morning visits at, this morning, 6:00am.

Quite what she thinks may have changed between 11:00 pm and 6:00am is a mystery.

Hello, Mrs C? Most people have a life to live and work to do which often means sleeping (with both eyes closed) at night. It is realised she sleeps with one eye open but she needs to get a life. We suggest she try visiting Malta (nicer than Turkey we think) or even booking herself into an obsessive compulsive clinic – Gawd her activity causes me to feel exhausted, Gawd knows how she must feel!

Anyway, back to contemplating the sail to Sicily.

We are missing Salty Dog.

Wilt (from his desk in Malta)


The story of the month so far must be:

This is not funny, it really is not – the man must be beside himself, apart from limping. What did this guy do in an earlier life to cause this catastrophe to befall him? We all know Hitler only had one Ball but then he also had a brain of a similar size to compensate.

Exactly how much compensation does one get for this complete medical fuck up? No doubt the insurers will be arguing one ball is better than none and that the bloke should be grateful! Wilt is sure he is grateful, yes!

What was however amusing (forgive me) was this quote:

“Sarah Prichard, counsel for the GMC, said the mistake was made as a nurse helping the surgeon turned her back to get a stitch.

When she turned around the testicle had been removed.

Ms Prichard said: "Literally as the nurse turned away to get a transfixion stitch, the incident occurred and the testicle was removed.

"Such was the level of concern they immediately realised it could be a serious medical incident and took steps to complete the relevant documentation."

That last sentence is rather telling, Wilt thinks – it’s a “oh fucking God” moment that will haunt you forever. And what do they do? Fill in a form!

I am sure that this may have not happened in the sequence suggested by the article by the BBC author but it does suggest medical staff ignored the decapitated testicle, appearing like a half peeled onion sat on the operating table, whilst they filled in some tick boxes on a form – quite what this form may appear like is speculative but equally baffling, as in what is it headed – Oooooops!

I like those Ooooops forms – something akin to a GSCC form titled “Another Fucking Balls Up.”

How exactly did they explain this utter folly to Mr X when he woke up?

“Mr X – the good news is that the surgery was successful...................”

“The bad news is in the form of a question, which is whether you ever wondered joining a choir or in fact going that bit further in your sex realignment?”

Mr X responds in a high voice: “You fucking utter twat.”

Anyone who finds this report funny should need to go to therapy or church (etc) or indeed simply reflect on life.

Wilt is off to meditate.

Wilt (from his desk in Malta)


Not the races but the Council, again.

Oh look, Doncaster under special measures:

CC also has a take:

This is however particularly damming as it identifies major political as well as professional failings, starting with the Mayor. So expect to see some high pay-off pay outs to get rid of a few dorks – what was it Gordon Brown said, “do not reward failure” or something like that? Mind you, after the debacle with Shoesmith the Ministers head must be spinning  - what best to do?

There is one saving grace, it is the Audit Commission this time who put the boot in and who have a little better reputation than Ofsted. However, most organisations have a better reputation than Ofsted – not difficult under its current twat of a leader.


We see File Doctor has returned from their sojourn in Wales

And how does one pronounce Mrs C in Welsh – Twat? Or possibly “Complaint Mrs!” You see in Welsh the “emphasis” word [Complaint] always precedes a “proper” title, at least in the written word – very complex this Welsh lingo!

The second class rail ticket was intended to afford you the opportunity to meet some MPs whilst on your long journey.

However, it is good to see you home safe.

Did you know sojourn (or more correctly Sojourner) has Masonic connections? In a certain senior degree in masonry Sojourners rediscover the Temple of Solomon and a tablet upon which is inscribed the “true” name of God. Forsake traveller I cannot tell you that name as it is reserved for the high priests and I who discovered it on my sojourn – I will say however it is neither Mrs C nor forbid “Pope.”

Now talking of “Pope” the Holy See is here in Malta at the moment (together with several hundred other Vatican cross dressers) and of course Mr C. We have yet to meet the latter whilst Wilt is avoiding the former as he does not wish to lose his virginity, or indeed associate with a former Hitler Youth member. He is very tearful it seems:

I am sure he is a very nice bloke, really. However he needs a new tailor.

Here in the north of the island the diving is good, the sun shines and the food is yummy. The boat (Wilt IV) has done very well on its long journey and the crew were excellent.

Going to Valletta tomorrow and the day after attending a Knight Templar affair to shake a few swords in the Temple.

Keeping up with Regulator Watch and the internet/email in general was difficult en route across the Mediterranean but we do now have a reasonable satellite connection via the Wilt laptop, although it is very sloooooooooow. So slow I can take lunch whilst this post is uploaded – however better than no connection.

As such keeping up is difficult, but we are back soon after dropping off Wilt IV in Sicily and thereafter to be collected for a further sojourn to the French coast a week later. In the interim, submit your posts.

Wilt (from his desk in Malta)


You will probably remember this article by the BBC:

Not the best item of news for Ed (Firkin) Balls, (TWAT) Ofsted or (get me out of here) Haringey Council – good news however for Shoesmith in her battle against the apparent stitch up between her Court Respondents.

Now add this little revelation into the equation, in another BBC report:

The Care Quality Commission ( containing remnants of the former CSCI, considered the findings of an experts report irrelevant in terms of findings it found in failures over the death of baby Peter and as such never published in full the clear evidence that health professionals failed very significantly, and to be balanced, failed its own professionals too (e.g. in lack of resources, limited or no training and allowing an inexperienced paediatrician to practice beyond her known competence).

Cover up, stitch up and let us shit on these individuals from a great height comes into Wilt’s mind, lending credibility to the notion of a new concept called “Shoegate” – as in “Watergate.”

It just goes to show, as Michael Portillo frequently ( observes, these quango inspectorates are all out to protect one interest only – their own.

Is one getting value for money from these twats, you know CQC, Ofsted, GSCC (et al) and, for example, the HMpci – no I never heard of them either but you can find them here: I think the simple answer is no, they are not value for money, any more than they claim to be independent of Ministers and Government.

Now Balls is an exception (a bully boy and of demonic possession i.e. God Gordon the Cyclops) but even he cannot be responsible for actions of the CQC. That comes down to another pathetic Minister, The Right Hon TWAT Andy Burnham (

Politicians, when convenient, say the work of quangos are independent of Government, whilst when it is also convenient, behind closed doors, they invite their political appointees of these unelected groups to discuss mutual concerns, as in the case of Ed Balls (or his henchmen). It is like something out of a B movie about the World War II fight against dictatorship (i.e. Hitler) – in other words not convincing and the script is oblivious to the intelligence of the watching public. Who do these people think they are fooling – themselves if they think the public are stupid.

Even Dork Plaskitt, in a very limited way and ultimately not to his credit, can drive the Information Commissioner to distraction and force ultimately an attempt, half- hearted, to do his bidding on behalf of Mrs C – not of course that he wants to have undue influence over the likes of the ICO, the former CSCI, police etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.................................. (it could go on for a long time and I will stop there, for at least my sanity).

But Plaskitt and Mrs C’s campaign of hate is small (in fact tiny) in comparison to the vitriol dumped on Shoesmith as much bigger issues are at stake – the survival of Balls and quango as they dance the light fantastic of deception, or they think. The same as Mrs C and Plaskitt, but their skills at dancing are limited to the Turkey dance – as in the bird rather than the country, although Mrs C visits the latter.

“Shoegate” is definitely taking hold, as is “MrsCgate.” Just different sides of the same coin, the head side and the arse side it seems. The difference however between heads and tails (arse) is that Shoesmith will win out (heads) and Mrs C and Plaskitt have already lost (tails) – the qualitative difference is Shoesmith has substance to her claims, others simply have no substance, and as far as Plaskitt is concerned, no political seat in Warwick and Leamington Spa in his very marginal position, so marginal he could be regarded as Dune bound – forever lost in the sands.

Balls et al are not going to come out of this very well, indeed it is likely that his bully boy demonic tactic will backfire and he will be well roasted. The man is a simple plonker, but a dangerous plonker because, he thinks, we are fooled. The only fools are Plaskitt and Mrs C.

We foresee Balls, Plaskitt and Mrs C floating off into the sunset, hand in hand and with great affection, (Mrs C please get your hand off James’ bum, it is otherwise reserved)  and burn up like Icarus ascending to the sun, wings not so much clipped as wings incinerated.

Wilt (from his desk in Malta)

Monday 12 April 2010

No news................

It appears Mrs C has engaged yet another unsuspecting fool of a journalist via this time Newsquest ( judging by their access to Regulator Watch, the keywords used for their search including “Plaskitt Mrs C” and “Plaskitt Says Mrs C Nuts “ (which she is) and the pages they have accessed.

Mrs C just does not give up does she?

Newsquest are a rather small conglomeration of regional rags (albeit covering a wide area of the UK) with fourth rate journalists incapable of doing homework – in that sense not dissimilar to the Spectator and that tosh published by Ian Hislop, both of whom Mrs C managed to fool.

Of course I could be wrong and perhaps others have put Newquest onto this story. However what is a fact, Mrs C has increased her activity on Regulator Watch to 4 times per day, even on a Sunday! Wonderful! It keeps the Google traffic reports very high up in the listings and means that search engines will always find it.


In the meantime our friends in Salop have posted a post celebration thank you note to their friends in a West Midlands authority – note Wilt was not invited, nor should  you understand that he is repulsed at the caviar, rare cheese and otherwise very full buffet for the several dozen guests, it is just he is FUCKING PISSED OFF.

As I have always said, you can choose your friends but not your family – suddenly ones family comes into greater profile. They at least would not deny Wilt caviar – would they?

I would need to get to the buffet before Salty Dog – otherwise, like the cider it will get consumed well before Wilt has a look-in!

Wilt (grrr)

Coffin dodgers.............

A new description for the elderly vote (otherwise grey haired like Wilt) has entered into the common parlance (for those at the GSCC and Mrs C that means a way of speaking) as:


It could only happen in Scotland:

Now, Wilt goes to the pub most nights (both from home and second home) and mostly with Salty Dog and he finds most Coffin Dodgers (like himself) bemused at labour and the Liberal Democrats to be talking absolute shit.

Wilt also has a grey haired meeting with former colleagues on a monthly basis – former directors, senior officials (local/central government), a couple of retired CEOs but mostly your salt of the earth burnt out social workers and others (e.g. former Inspectors).

They are now deemed as the official COFFIN DODGERS

I have been looking for a name for this group for ages – thank you, fucking Dork Stuart MaCLennan, for your insightful words.

What a TWAT!

Hello Gordon – wake up!



Oooops it seems Stalin has risen from the grave, see the article here:

No news from other sources yet but it seems Justice Wall, a favourite of Brick ( in his article here: and here believes social workers are Stalinist!

Well, it is the Telegraph but nevertheless the use of the term Stalin is rather not slow in making a point!

We wonder if Community Care will pick up on this news.


Stupid twats................

And so Gordon will raise VAT, if he is elected (the first time other than in his constituency). See article here: He has otherwise bullied his position into power, like ejecting Blair and having tantrums in the office (swoosh – Nokia).

Oh what a surprise, not! The Cyclops from north of the border and lover of public service funding (to huge excess), otherwise known as the Prime Mentalist according to Guido, is completely determined to destroy the UK with his yet further budget commitments that are ill affordable.

He wants to put up National Insurance (Tax) that will impact on employees and employers (especially) and add further damage by putting up VAT that will cause consumers to think twice about purchases – triple whammy or what?

No doubt it warms his heart when reading about his public servants wanting to take action – however his public servants will be ill served when, whoever comes into power, massive cuts take place. So, protest as much as you like – it is happening and good riddance to many of you.

See further BBC article here:

Oh, Community Care eventually get there: on this case matter. Note they have not reported other significant issues. What exactly are Community Care doing during the day? Wilt remains on the case.


Legal aid.............

Do not get me wrong, I believe people have a right to be defended in Court and be defended competently. I always thought that legal aid was reserved for the poorest in society but it seems I am wrong. See the BBC article here:

There is a further argument that defending the indefensible is a waste of money and the cases of these three MPs seem, to me the simple minded Wilt, to fall into that category. It is nevertheless their right  - the fact that 99% of the public think they are thieving  twats is irrelevant. However, legal aid rates for solicitors/advocates is a lot less than most good lawyers would even consider and albeit there should be equality for all under the law, these three MPs might be limited to instructing less than the best, or otherwise will pay top-up fees.

It seems their defence, you may recall, is that they are above the law as Parliamentary Privilege protects them.

Utter bollocks – beam me up Scotty!

Labour seem to defend them, still – see article here:

Further article here:


Friday 9 April 2010


One hopes the pope has a current up to date CRB certificate!


Files gathering dust...................

There are two new judgements published by the Care Standards Tribunal (CST) and three new cases listed by the GSCC for April.

Of the two CSCT cases it includes that of Jacinta Hofstetter who is something of a notable GSCC case as can be illustrated in the very complex, detailed and rather lengthy judgement published by the CST:

It is worth reading and although both Wilt and others are highly critical of the GSCC it does make it clear that the regulator did on this occasion not only get it right but bend over backwards to do so – the CST are usually spot-on.

Supporters of Jacinta have posted previously their concerns about her treatment at the hands of Brent Council and in particular the GSCC.

Read, and make up your own minds.

In the second CST case it is Jayne Sedgewick  v The Care Council For Wales (CCW). She is suspended primarily for her activities as a foster parent although it is her social work role that is pending a judgement by a full Conduct Hearing by the CCW.

Presently she is suspended from the social care register and Sedgewick has appealed against this. She has already had her registration removed as a foster parent and no longer employed. The criminal proceedings against her were however dropped.

Here is an extract from the judgement:

Mrs Sedgewick is a registered social worker and also a foster carer working for an independent agency. In 2006 she and her husband fostered a 15 year old girl (A). Whilst in their care A entered into a relationship with an older man aged 19. It is alleged that Mrs Sedgewick knew about this and indeed allowed the boy to sleep with A at their house. She did not discuss this relationship with the childs social worker nor with her own support worker. As a result of this relationship A became pregnant. It is further alleged that on an occasion in March 2006 Mrs Sedgewick and A went on a shopping trip to Telford and stayed overnight in a Hotel. During the course of the evening it is alleged that Mrs Sedgewicke became drunk, allowed A to drink, became involved with a group of men, claimed A was her stepdaughter and aged 18 and allowed her to go to one of the men’s room where sexual activity took place. It is further alleged that when this matter came out she attempted to influence the man involved to lie about the evening.

These of course are allegations at present time but if they prove to be correct then she must be listed as about the most dangerous of social workers (and former foster carer) in the UK. Dork would not be sufficiently expletive or descriptive – total fucking idiot comes close to it but I think I will settle on fucking twat.

Why is this woman still on the Register? Again the ever sensible CST give a clue:

It appears to us given the gravity of the allegations and the matters we have outlined above that continued suspension is appropriate and we therefore dismiss the appeal. We have had cause previously to raise questions about the delay in bringing cases to hearing and the concomitant length of suspensions imposed by the Care Councils. In this case the effect of delay is extreme in that pending a final determination Mrs Sedgewick is actually free to work as a social worker from 31 March as the two year maximum period of suspension will have passed. This cannot be in the public interest. We note the particular difficulties of this case, firstly the criminal proceedings and the complications therein and latterly the hearings brought by her employer and the fostering agency. Nonetheless there is a tendency for the Care Council(s) to treat enquiries sequentially and allow other procedures to take place before they make their own enquiries. We would urge upon them a more proactive approach, particularly in cases like this when time limits are involved.

In other words Care Council for Wales (CCW), get off your fucking arse and sort it out – twats. What is wrong with these people?

The full judgement can be found here:

Meanwhile recently concluded GSCC case matters are listed here:

Again some interesting reading, for those junkies like me.

The upcoming cases are listed here:

There is an error on the page – the first case will not load-up after clicking on it and so the details are unknown.

In the two other cases it involves alleged theft of goods and services from a children’s home and in the second case falsification of case records (purporting to make visits to children/families).

These are of course allegations – the cases are yet to be proved.


Wednesday 7 April 2010


So there is a God! Need I say more? Salty Dog and Wilt are very happy. No extra cider tax:


Tuesday 6 April 2010

Bugger me...........

Who the fuck is Mike McNabb (long haired git) and Paul Wiffen (UKIP twat) candidate? Do we give a shit? NO!

See here:

Long hair –v- short hair...........

Dorks both...


Pissed off........

This Hilton Dawson bloke is now pissing me off.

Quite apart from being a self evident Dork over the Social Work College debacle he now wants tax the public to fund the registration fees of social workers, even if the fee doubles under the new proposed General Social Work Council (GSWC), see here:

And what exactly would his proposal be for small business enterprise (like Wilt) and the self employed? Who would pay their fees?

Has the firkin idiot not understood the meaning of budget cuts, recession or deficit? Which bit did he miss of “NO” to further public expenditure? He is however a former LABOUR MP. Obviously the drinking water at planet BASW HQ has been infected with some mind-bending drug, or he has otherwise had too much of the falling down water (alcohol).

What is worse, the GSCC agree with him:

“Hilary Tompsett, newly-appointed vice-chair of the GSCC, said it would make sense to review pay scales when the regulation of social workers was reformed.”

That settles it then! We know the GSCC are twats and thus it follows, as sure as day follows night that Dawson is one too. The GSCC adds:

“A spokesperson for the GSCC said the government's proposal could lead to increases in the registration fees after 2010-11, but added: "Before we make any changes we will consult with social workers."

That makes all OK then! Yeah.

I fucking give up!

And, as if BASW (or Dawson) need any further ridicule their negotiations [inept dealings] with SCIE is a puzzle. Why for Gawd sake is SCIE “negotiating” [even discussing] with BASW (Dawson) when it is quite obvious given the resignations from BASW that within its ranks there remain (or did) some sensible outspoken individuals – Wilt is certain the membership will reject this stupid and self-indulgent effort on the part of BASW to set up a separate College (Royal or not).

See the article here:

BASW is, was, will be a “has been.”  Why fucking bother recognising them let alone discussing issues of substance – BASW are a non entity. A dead parrot, a former Plasakitt MP and Mrs C.

It is quite clear that The College of Social Work have utterly rejected BASW, see here:

What a fucking mess.

Muse on this too:


Easter Bunny 2....................

Wilt is back yet again – some of us have work to do! Meanwhile Mrs Wilt, mother in law, Ms Wilt and Salty Dog remain on in North Wales. Up until last night the weather was brilliant – sunny, warm and cosy at night with the wood burner fire. However last night we thought the roof was going to get blown off. Fortunately no disasters to life, limb or property – although Salty Dog got close to having a slap after getting drunk, again!

Whilst away resting, relaxing, sunning it and letting Salty Dog take me for a walk three times a day (via the pub) others have been working hard. See here:

Where I commented:

“And what is Mrs C doing – she sitting at home scouring the internet, including accessing Regulator Watch 4 times on Good Friday and 3 times on Saturday. We wonder how many times she will visit today and Bank Holiday Monday? Most other foster carers will of course be doing child cantered things, like going out on a trip somewhere or having a special meal, etc., etc. But that requires someone to rise above their own narrow and distorted personal needs and attend to those needs in others which one is paid to attend to. It’s called work, or even parenting.

It seriously concerns me – perhaps Wilt will restrict her access to once per week but the problem is the Dork will just use the foster kids pc or run off down the library, so firkin obsessed is she. Nah, let her get on with it – it’s not my responsibility what she does.”

As an update, Mrs C was on Regulator Watch a further total of 8 times on Easter Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday. Thus far today she has already been on twice!

Over the holiday, a time for families and particularly children, she therefore visited a total of 15 times – an average of 3.75 times per day. I know Regulator Watch is wonderful, but is it really that good or is there something else going on here? An infatuation – she loves me? We suspect not given the number of complaints made by here.

A sickness of the mind perhaps, a misplaced “mission” or obsession – Mrs C is certainly anal retentive, of that there is no doubt. Otherwise, or combined with any of the above, she has idle hands and we know exactly what that little red person with horns sticking out of his head will exploit about idleness and lack of productivity.

Obviously there are numerous readers who know that Mrs C exists, many contribute to this blog but others are, I know, bemused by it. In response to various private emails – she does actually exist. Did you really think such a character could be invented?  Many wish she was an invention – when I say many, I mean almost everyone who has met or spoken to her.

Ah well, this blogger has to finish off some work and then catch up on some news for uploading to Regulator Watch. Someone has to keep Mrs C amused.

Meanwhile, our Salop mate had his leaving/semi-retirement party arriving in his posh wheels and really cool cut suite and rather nicely donated the cash from his former colleagues towards his leaving present to a well know charity – he is a nice chap. He is actually..Apparently there was a nice lunch spread. Wilt never got a chance to have lunch today – not that I am making a point or anything, and besides Wilt is a well known charity case; his cider piggy bank is low after spending the weekend with Salty Dog. She is now even more salty after numerous swims in the rather cold Irish Sea, brrrrrrrrr.


Sunday 4 April 2010

Easter Bunny

Despite the weather forecasts the sun has been in abundance in north Wales, or at least our part of it. Just chilling out, reading books, newspapers and accompanying the Salty Dog to the pub – costs me a fortune.

And what are others doing? The Archbishop of Canterbury has upset the Pope – not difficult under the circumstances, especially if it involves telling the truth. The preoccupation of all religions with sex has always been a worry and yet some members of the leadership of these religious groups seem not to be able to practice what they preach. One example article here:

Eugene Terreblanche is no more – tears are rolling down my cheeks, not! See here:

Meanwhile “Dave” the Cameron is frging ahead in the polls which when you look at the election strategy as outlined in the Mail it is hardly surprising that the polls reflect more faith in the Conservatives, and of course by the sensible plans to reverse the National Insurance (Tax) rise.

Most of Wilt’s friends are enjoying the break too – some of them in their “fancy wheels” courtesy of their compensation!

And what is Mrs C doing – she sitting at home scouring the internet, including accessing Regulator Watch 4 times on Good Friday and 3 times on Saturday. We wonder how many times she will visit today and Bank Holiday Monday? Most other foster carers will of course be doing child cantered things, like going out on a trip somewhere or having a special meal, etc., etc. But that requires someone to rise above their own narrow and distorted personal needs and attend to those needs in others which one is paid to attend to. It’s called work, or even parenting.

It seriously concerns me – perhaps Wilt will restrict her access to once per week but the problem is the Dork will just use the foster kids pc or run off down the library, so firkin obsessed is she. Nah, let her get on with it – it’s not my responsibility what she does.


Friday 2 April 2010

Choo choo

Bob Crow is a modern day Arthur Scargill ( and is a little pissed off – excellent!

Crow is the scum of the earth, not like those who Scargill represented the “Salt of the Earth” – coal miners. The man is an idiot not unlike the union leaders in Unite ( Union in general and the total Dorks representing the public sector.

Poor old Crow – lost again:

So rail workers will not have an extended Easter break (except those who throw a false “sicky”). Whereas Wilt uses his own wheels (various) he does occasionally (and increasingly) relies upon both the rail network and airlines to do business. Both cost a fucking fortune, but hey he is not paying – the customers do so. Added to which are the hotel suites (and I mean suites), meals, airport parking costs and other reasonable expenses – sadly Cider is excluded, except for business meals.

Salty Dog is always excluded and that is somewhat of a complaint they make monthly – a little less than those made by “Mrs C” to various bodis, equally!

Well Bob, not sure what you are doing but I (and Salty Dog) am off to north Wales again for Easter and later will be joined by Mrs Wilt on Saturday, and on Easter Monday (via train – please note TRAIN) by Ms Wilt and mother-in-law (granny Wilt by marriage to Mrs Wilt).

By strange coincidence Wilt is himself is returning home on Tuesday – nothing personal to mother-in-law but I have a meeting lunchtime that day! Honest!

Salty Dog is very excited again – if however it rains again (or snows) the dog can take itself for a walk down to the beach.


Thursday 1 April 2010


One (yes I am “one”) never really thought that the employers code of practice (GSCC) would ever be implemented as a binding code, as Balls promised. It would be just too costly as employers (both public and private/voluntary) would actually have to be accountable rather than blame the frontline staff even though they have at times been shat on from a great height i.e. Lisa Arthurworrey.

Community Care report here:

Costly too as shortfalls in provision or resources (or more often totally disorganised/wasted resources) would have to be addressed if employers were to avoid being sanctioned.

Anyway, what sanction would one bring – sack the Leader of the Council? Tell them off? Give the Chief Executive a strong disapproving look? Let Ed Balls loose on them?

And who would make these judgements – the GSCC. That is probably the biggest stumbling block of all, as they cannot get their own act together. The bigger issue however is savings – big budget savings. Normally Brown and Balls (the Chancellor who never was) will throw money at anything (in the public sector) but even they realise there is no money left in the piggy bank – in fact it has a huge IOU stuffed inside.

Pigs will fly or a blue moon will appear well before the GSCC code for employers becomes statutory.

Nice idea, but kicked into the long grass comes to mind.

And as for the review of the codes of practice - Salty Dog will have earned their driving licence before that is complete!

Someone has to get me home from the pub – taxis are expensive you know.

Wilt (One)


One wondered where the case of Sharon Shoesmith had gone:

The BBC and others have obtained the papers submitted by Ofsted and after Easter the Court is expected to rule on her applications against Ed Balls, Ofsted and Haringey.

The Guardian has a fuller and  better article here:

Scary stuff – and you know what, I have no doubt of foul play in this matter as Christine Gilbert (Ofsted) is a wanker and Balls a complete bully. At Least the CSCI (Care Standards Commission) and Behan stood up for standards (e.g. Mrs C matter) in inspection, and its independence – and told Plaskett MP to go play in the sand dunes.

As yet no news in Community Care!

Meanwhile Guido has posted on the prospects of Ed (Damien) Balls prospects of keeping his seat, here:

If he loses his seat it will be drinks on Wilt



How pathetic, and not in the least amusing:

It may be the 1st of April but not even a fool would be fooled by this sad effort.



Toss pots.............

I despair with these local authority staff earning huge salaries – and it seems there are even more on high salaries since it was last reviewed last year. See the BBC report here:

In fact a rise of 24% during the worst recession in most people’s lifetimes. Why is this being allowed to happen?

I love this quote: “A councils' spokesman said the pay was good value compared with private firms.” Who do they think they are kidding?

“Conservative leader David Cameron has promised to publish the full names and detailed pay packages of every local government employee earning more than about £60,000 if his party wins the general election.”


“Liberal Democrat communities spokeswoman, Julia Goldsworthy, said public servants should have pay rises capped at £400 so the lowest-earners saw the biggest relative increase.

She said: "People are right to be angry that so many public servants are earning more than the prime minister while many people are losing their job and home.

"The drive to squeeze every last bit of value from taxpayers' money shouldn't stop at town halls. We need to take a cleaver to the number of politicians, government departments and unelected quangos."

I could not put it better myself. I have to go lay down now after agreeing with a Liberal Democrat. It must be my age or something – perhaps I have a fever coming on. You know, like man flue.
