Friday 30 July 2010

Green Light..............

Regulator Watch has been awarded the coveted title of a McAfee Safe Site – they independently test the site for viruses, tracking cookies and the like and assess any risks to users. Regulator Watch gets the coveted Green emblem (if you use McAfee Site Advisor) indicating no threat to surfers.

Unlike some websites Wilt does not employ things such as tracking cookies that can monitor your further online activity, nor indeed any malaware or viruses. So you are safe visiting us!

It’s good to have the support of McAfee. Wilt uses their business focused package (and has done for several years) on all his computers – and, a word of advice, it is good value. It’s called Total Security by McAfee – we recommend it.



Do not get Wilt onto the subject of dangerous driving and women drivers in particular – without detailed explanation Wilt has been cut up by or bumper trailing women than men .Women, or some of them at least, either drive so fast or hog at 60 mile per hour the middle or outside lane to infuriate the most retiring of men. Men do it too, but far less often.

Also without further explanation, Wilt believes women may be a better bet for insurers in terms of accidents, but in fact cause most claims – usually others bumping into their rear end at roundabouts or junctions as they pause to refresh their lipstick. Utter fucking Dorks.

However, women now also appear to be the cause of other accident insurance claims, see here:

But of course it is again the male driver who has to pay the cost. Forgive me if I sound a little like Jeremy Clarkson, but this article does somewhat help make my point:

If these rather attractive women do get out and about in flimsy attire, what do they and the insurers expect? Not of course that they want to attract attention to themselves. That would be far too “oppressive” to suggest. Wilt will admit to his eyes, whilst driving, being drawn to the occasional near undressed woman – is that oppressive?

So far, but only so far, Wilt has not had an accident due to goggling an attractive woman – a few near misses but not yet an accident.

Perhaps women should have compulsory insurance if they dress up in short skirts or flimsy attire whilst out and about on the public highways and pavements? Mrs C should however be entitled to a huge discount – she would hardly turn your head whilst you potentially end up driving into the back of a lorry!

But, you know women – many of them believe the whole fault is the testosterone obsessed man who should otherwise have better things to think about. Wilt has obviously lost the plot, and thus the female perspective will lead to eventually a huge reduction in the birth rate. That is why some women dress as they do –“please do not copulate with me or think of me as a sex object.” Yeas dear, please stop goggling my bum and four pack!

You see Wilt has been the cause of many a woman crashing their car – it’s the bum I think, and his sexy dress code. <Daughter becomes violently sick whilst laughing on the floor>.



Some People just do not get it, do they? Two young women torture a poor girl, break her nose and afflict burns to her body for – wait for it- allegedly sleeping with a former boyfriend. A woman scorned, huh? Scorn two and you are fucked by the fairer sex – mmmmmmm.

See the Telegraph article here:

What is wrong with these people? Absolute twats!


Target list...........

Next on the hit list is Ofsted – see Community Care article here:

No news yet of the future of Cafcass but this article might give you a clue that the Government have them in their sights:

What will happen to all these people? One suspects the local authority vacancy levels in social care might fall.

Wilt will however not be joining them.



Some people continue to believe they are above the law, apart from Mrs C. See here:

And here:

These three MPs and single Lord are going to end up in Court and the evidence tested as to the charges of fraud.

Unless of course they make some further appeal and win it – who is paying for these Court cases? I suspect it is the taxpaying public.

The Telegraph states:

“The four men are now expected to take their case to the Supreme Court for a further appeal, meaning any trials, which had been expected to start at Southwark Crown Court in London in November, might now be delayed until next year.”

The BBC report here: and the Telegraph here:

What absolute twats.


Thursday 29 July 2010


It’s a record; the highest activity on Regulator Watch was on the day that the Government announced the transfer of the GSCC ( to the Health Professions Council.( ).

The number of visitors reached thousands rather than hundreds. It included the GSCC and HPC, various government agencies and even parliamentarians (we will spare their blushes).

Wilt predicted the demise of the GSCC 12 months earlier – he has been proven right. Thus the effect of Regulator Watch has been positive and effective. Most visitors were however grass roots members of the public and social care workers, plus other bloggers – thank you all for your support.


By 'eck.........

The Wilt is off on business travels again, up north UK this time but immediately after on a couple of trips to sunnier climates – plus of course in August and September the Wilt’s are in the Channel Islands(August) and hot (very) Egypt in September. By which time those £70,000 worth of invoices should be in the bank. Those nice people at the Inland Revenue and Customs will be very happy – Wilt less so. Unfortunately his customers do not pay “cash in hands.”

By ‘eck life is good

We will however keep in touch, and regulator watching – oh and watching Mrs C cyber activity.


Carry on............

It is a month since Mrs C was arrested – not much changes however; she still stalks and continues her favourite activity, complaining. People really should read this article:

Therein one will find a good description of the disgusted of Leamington Spa.

Here is another useful site:

And this one:

Let’s look at Mrs C stalking activity, and this is typical:

On 28th July she was surfing via her T-Mobile phone at 00:14 am (Wilt was in bed), then 07:40 am – she really should get her 8 hours of sleep as it is unhealthy not to do so. Then at 12:38 pm and 16:25 pm – she also found time to access the Cloud Network again, but it appears in London this time. Mrs C is on walkabout. Does she know her every click on Regulator Watch is monitored – yes. Can she help herself by not accessing Regulator Watch – no.

What is her obsession, exactly? Well of course we already know the answer to that question – its Munchausen Syndrome. She should look it up – really, together with reference to Either that or it is mad cow disease, or as some argue, pure evilness. Wilt is coming around to that thinking himself but reserves judgement.

Meanwhile access to Regulator Watch remains high in relation to searches and access about Mrs C – the press and government agencies just love it. We have however needed to block a firm of solicitors in London and their IT support service. They had a little too much interest and strayed into a friends website post the arrest and bail of Mrs C. That of course amounts to stalking and consequently harassment – ooooooeeeeeerrrrrrr!

We understand Mr Plod is being advised. We are further advised that Leamington Spa has a brand new combined Court, police station and cells – very convenient we think, and good economics.

The more she lurks and stalks, the more google uprate Regulator Watch as the primary Blog on social care - carry on Mrs C, you are good for business.


Turkey voting for early Xmas.......

The GSCC continue to operate as ‘normal’ pending the transfer in March 2012 to the to be renamed Health Professionals Council - or one should say the proposed move in 2012. Many in the Community Care Blog Care Space have mixed feelings about it.

The GSCC gives advice on the implications of the recent announcement of their demise here: and click on big red “i” icon. In short business as usual – mmmmm.

Meanwhile the GSCC has published a number of recent outcomes from their Conduct Committee. This is a very odd one:

Essentially the GSCC dropped the case after it was unable to convince a local authority manager to give evidence and to proceed without it would amount to hearsay. Now you would think the GSCC would have realised this before taking it to Committee.

The GSCC are in a difficult position because they cannot force either a registrant or witness to attend – they have no teeth in effect. Not helpful. And of course they have no powers over employers and the code of conduct relating to them is not worth the paper they are written on – it’s just a wish list in effect.

Whoever drew up this legislation and the employers codes needs a jolly good lesson in ‘how not to make a balls-up.’

Other recent concluded hearings include this one:

Note the offending behaviour relates to 2008 – either this was part of the backlog or the GSCC were not previously aware of it. The naughty boy was looking at pornography on his employer’s computer.

He was suspended for two years.

Another: resulted in a one year suspension. This did go back to issues between 2004 – 2008 and the GSCC were made aware of his drink-drive conviction of December 2004 (after he was first registered by the GSCC) in, and I find it odd how they term it, “around 19th November 2008;” either it was or it was not the 19th November 2008 – what’s with this “around” business?

So exactly what were the GSCC doing between (“around)” the 19th November 2008 and 21st July 2010?  Not a lot it would seem. The registrant had asked that his GSCC hearing be postponed as he claimed it would prejudice his Employment Tribunal, which it appears is still pending.

And the disposal by way of a one year suspension, is that proportionate especially as he did eventually cough up the details to the GSCC, albeit four years later? Wilt thinks no – far more appropriate would have been an admonishment.

However, the registrant only has himself to blame as he was not in attendance to defend himself or give evidence. With the GSCC that, as a friend would say, is like a turkey voting for an early Christmas.

Each case is worth a read – click on the links above.

The GSCC have published their latest up-coming hearings here:

Among some interesting ones are:



Why does the GSCC need to get involved in this matter one is left to wonder?


Wednesday 28 July 2010


Wilt has had the following Email:

Dear Wilt,

Having been outside of the country for some time I thought I wanted to drop a line about one of my favourite case, Jacinta Hofstetter vs GSCC. I am not sure how close you are from the CST but it seems that you have a very positive view of their work. On my side I spent, for professional reasons, a fair amount of time looking at the Jacinta Hofstetter case. I must say that when I saw the CST judgment I could not believe they produced such poor piece of work, the lack of intellectual rigour is astonishing. The person claimed that she was bullied, harassed and victim of racial insult from a manger at Brent. She moreover accused this manager of having made significant mistakes putting children at risk. Despite evidence this was never investigated either by GSCC and the CST. Not only was it not investigated but the manager was used as a witnessed, produced a statement though did not turn up at the hearing! It was proved that two witnesses lied in their statement, again no mention of this made by GSCC or the CST, only that the witnesses were credible, to lie is credible? One witnessed who conducted the investigation against Jacinta Hofstetter recognised that she had not experience in conducting disciplinary hearing, was out of her depth and was asked to build a case against the defendant instead of investigating impartially. It is in the recording of the hearing but nowhere in the GSCC final statement of the CST. Nobody complained against Jacinta Hofstetter whilst working in Brent. It is only after her suspension that people were asked to complain about her. Evidence though presented were not considered as even not quoted or disproved. Start seeing a pattern? Who would honestly believe that someone with a 15 years of career, became, in the middle of it, for around 12 month, totally and utterly incompetent, and this by coincidence just after reporting her manager for...incompetence! Despite all the GSCC efforts it was still recognised that no children were harmed or put at risk. But who cares, the point is that Jacinta Hofstetter did not go on her knees in front of the GSCC or the CST and fought for what she thought was right. Good for her, I like this! GSCC spent ~£0.5m on to make up a case against her. She obviously did not have this kind of money to spend. I could spend the night going through the details of how wrong this case was and I have no doubt in my mind it was a miscarriage of justice. However I am sure you have better things to do and even if it is not always obvious we are in a democracy and everybody can have his/her point of view.

Best regards,


Monday 26 July 2010

What next..........?

There is an awful lot of interest on Regulator Watch from hundreds of sources about both the demise of the GSCC and Mrs C – must be all the press releases or otherwise the demonic woman of Leamington Spa is ranting again.

Strangely, a colleague has similar activity on his website. We hope Mrs C is not breaching her bail conditions. He copied me this letter:

“Dear Mr Plod

“Mrs C is at it again – how long did you say she would be locked up for on breach of bail, and does it follow that harassment by others (even unwittingly) can cause their arrest too?

“We have their addresses and personal computer IDs. That is their log on identities. What Silly Billy’s these people are. Should we block them or just let the evidence accumulate?

“Wilt tells me that Mrs C and her toads are on his blog daily, without fail, usually three times a day except Sundays - she seems to be very regular. I will not repeat what Wilt goes on to describe as regular – he is just so rude, albeit correct.

“Do you understand the meaning of ‘Twat’? Personally I prefer a good single malt whisky. I must ask the barman for a ‘Twat.’ Sounds as if it might be interesting. I am game for a new experience.

“Anyway, you are on duty and enough about drinking – any advice please shall be greatly appreciated.”

To set this in context Mrs C was ARRESTED for cyber stalking and harassment on 29th June 2010 and bailed on conditions for three months not to make contact with (or cause others contact) with certain named individuals, companies and their websites.

Mrs C is a foster parent, so called although you would be hard pressed to find any activity as such as she spends most of her sad life in her former council house scouring the internet for any muck she can use to perpetuate her sad and demonic harassment. Go here to get a good description of Mrs C:

Less than a month, as predicted, the mad twat has breached her bail.

Oh dear.......... She has no fucking clue.

What next?



Wilt predicted precisely this 12 months ago:

According to Community Care sector leaders are shocked – well they should have been reading Regulator Watch. So, no surprise to Wilt and he will not be on his own in feeling pleased. The GSCC, with its stupid logo, has been a nightmare from day one. No doubt staff will be leaving to find new, proper, jobs with far less perks and salary – good.

The GSCC was after all one of the primary reasons for Regulator Watch being set up – to publicise those aspects of their work which they preferred not to have published.  You know like the major cock ups they frequently made and continue to make. What will Regulator Watch do without them and after the demise of Plaskitt (ex) MP and his demonic constituent?

Of course there is no word about the sister agencies in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales – and the functions of the GSCC will be transferred and subsumed by the Health Professions Council. Let’s see how well they do. For sure they cannot do any worse.

I like the title of the Government Report found here:

“Liberating the NHS” has a certain, very satisfying ring to it! The title of Chapter 5 will be particularly poignant to some people in Oxfordshire and Salop.

Pages 21 – 23 deal with the proposed abolition of the GSCC and transfer of its functions. Interestingly, there is a hint that social work students will not be required to register and, unlike at present, the new registration will require no government subsidy i.e. total self funding.

Legislation will be introduced in November 2010 to make all the various changes and implementing the transfer of functions by the GSCC will be effective from April 2012 – these are indicative as distinct from absolute. If all goes to plan, by the end of March 2012 the GSCC will no longer exist – the end of an era error!

So who next? The ISA is already under notice and has delayed starting registration - they are as good as toast and Wilt predicts they will be gone before the end of the year.

Ofsted, Cafcass and Scie? The latter, to my surprise is not a public body although one suspects it gets some funding – it is widely predicted it will not survive. Wilt predicts Ofsted will get broken up and demolished and Cafcass will simply disappear.

The General Teaching Council is already toast. You never know, it might yet come about that regulation of social care might just go the same way. If not, expect to pay more for your registration or start calling yourself something other the protected title of "social worker."

When the term ‘bonfire of the quangos’ was termed – they really meant it!



Pick a number................

Which is worse, a one year suspension or a 5 year admonishment? Does either fit the circumstances applied in each case?

It is difficult to go behind the GSCC Committee on such matters as they are charged with handing down their disposal – albeit subject to potential appeal. See the Community Care article here:

The formal notice of the GSCC findings is here:

And here:

Let us start with the latter case, Cahill.

He takes a service user/client down to the pub, touches up her bum and offers to take her away to Paris for a dirty drug filled weekend. What a fucking Dork of the first order. Cahill is suspended for 12 months as it was essentially a one off incident. It was however probably one of the most serious of acts of professional misconduct – a breach of professional boundaries and of trust in his capacity to hold the service users right to self determination and needs as paramount.

Some might think Cahill was quite lucky to get away with just a year suspended.

In contrast, Carney who admitted the offence of harassment and was convicted as such was subsequently admonished for 5 years by the GSCC. Why 5 years for Gawd sake?

There is no doubt it was a serious offence but it was both confined to a particular set of private circumstances (does not reduce its seriousness) and limited to a small number of events. The GSCC acknowledge he was under extreme personal pressure and again emphasise an otherwise long and successful career in social care, plus it did not involve a service user.

The man admitted his offence and regrets his actions. What then, exactly was the purpose of a 5 year admonishment?

His outcome is far worse (Wilt believes) than the year long suspension by Cahill and whose offence (in professional terms at least) is the worse. Yes Carney got it wrong, yes domestic abuse (emotional in this case it seems) is a no go area and highly serious – but 5 year’s admonishment after he admitted his guilt and dealt with by the Courts. Is that proportionate? What exactly was the GSCC thinking it might achieve?

You see Cahill after a year has, as it were, done his time and moves on – there is no mark against his name on the GSCC Register and, we assume, moves on. No one is any the wiser.

Carney however does not serve his term for 5 years – instead he carries the yoke of his GSCC Registration (a public name of shame board) until 2015. We find this very odd.

Most people will experience some crisis in their life, some several and a few many. Social workers, and others, aim to help people out of crisis and hopefully develop the skills to cope with crisis better (crisis intervention theory). Generally speaking, putting a yoke around their neck (labelling – give a dog a bad name) is not the accepted best method to help achieve better outcomes.

Regrettably the GSCC has confused, yet again, ‘outcomes’ with ‘outputs.’

Pick a number, any number between 0 – 5 and you tell me what seems fitting for Carney.

Now tell me what would you hand down to Mrs C for her harassment?  Not for her a one off or limited harassment of one person over a period of eight years, but together with basket case Dune Boy James Plaskitt (ex MP) harassment  IN FACT of numerous persons who by a process of other investigations are proven innocent of any harm to her/him.   Well, we will find out when it gets to Court, with her big black files.

We think Cahill was very fortunate; Carney dealt a very poorly judged disposal and Mrs C/Plaskitt will discover in all good time the meaning of breaking the law.


Saturday 24 July 2010

What a silly billy.........

One of the icons and great men of our time (and hero of Wilt) has resigned – the impeccable and gorgeous Dr Desmond Tutu. God bless him. We will miss him and the world a lesser place without him. However, we doubt if he will entirely “retire” as men of his ilk tend not to fade away – he does however deserve retirement after long service to humankind. His standing down is an inevitable but sad loss – we remember his very kindly, warm smile, directness of personality and “no shit” tell it how it is approach.

What a hero.

Another hero not yet lost, is also featured in the news – Dennis Healy, or rightly known as Baron Healy

Sadly, his beloved wife Edna May has passed away. He will be bereft and without his anchor in his late age of 92. What a character, what a brilliant man he is and what “a silly Billy” he never was. Dennis Healy was probably the first political figure Wilt recognised – he was difficult not to recognise due to his bushy eyebrows.

He however stood out as a politician of conviction, although some would disagree, and of some intellect – he is another Oxbridge left wing graduate from a historic college, like Wilt and friends.

Even today, and especially today in reflection of his sad loss, Wilt recalls happier times when hearing many years ago Healy say “don’t be a silly Billy” but especially his exceptional house of commons response to his friend but opposition MP Sir Geoffrey Howe’s attack in the Commons, “It’s like being savaged by a dead sheep.”

He was and is, and may he live much longer, the best Prime Minister the UK has never known. Ken Clarke follows in his footsteps – another best Prime Minister we have never known.

Time moves on however, and today we have (call me) ‘Dave’ and I am frankly impressed with him to date – he has that kind of gritty and grounded attitude I admire in Tutu and Healy.

Our thoughts are however with Dennis, with his menacing eyebrows and intelligent wit. As is said, behind every good man is a good woman – and we think that is true in the case of Dennis. Edna is a real loss, in her own right, but especially in support of her man.

Live long brother Dennis. God bless you Edna.


Friday 23 July 2010

There are no lifegaurds.........

While some friends of Wilt are off to the near East for a long sojourn (for a month no less) Mr & Mrs Wilt are away shortly to the Channel Islands for a week and later (September) also with Ms Wilt back to Egypt – but not, I emphasise, Cairo.

Not after this last experience:

The Channel Islands are a new adventure for the Wilts. Egypt is not. While in Egypt Mrs and Ms Wilt no doubt be listening to their Ipods whilst roasting in the sun. Wilt will be in the shade, with a beer and a book.

Master Wilt will be chasing after his rather glamorous new girlfriend back at Oxbridge.

Even in mid-September it is 38c (100.4f) in Egypt. This time, we plan less sightseeing and more a relaxing time around the pool with lots of Egyptian beer – what they call beer. No cider, unfortunately and Salty Dog will be residing with mother in law for the duration – no cider there either.

Poor Salty Dog!

Another superior hotel, albeit not quite up to the Four Seasons standard in Cairo, awaits the Wilts – we have been there before and the standards and service are better than any in the UK, and indeed in the US. The pool (s) with its own “island” bar is brilliant – get drunk, fall off the stool and hopefully not drown!

There are no lifeguards.

And the gardens are absolute bliss. It shares it with its sister 5 star hotel, probably the most famous of hotels in Egypt – and about the most expensive. Yet we get to use those facilities too, if you care to spend huge amounts on a meal or on drinks on the terrace overlooking one of the best sunsets in the world.

Otherwise, you pop down the road to a restaurant and pay £5 a head for a perfectly good two course evening meal with (soft) drinks. Yes, I did say £5.00 – no joking. Egypt is so cheap, if you know the right places, as to be ridiculous.

Egyptian wine – well that is a bit of a sad story. Once when Wilt was on a Nile Cruise there was a competition and the first prize was one bottle of Egyptian wine and the second prize two bottles of Egyptian wine – even the Egyptians admit it is crap. So avoid it unless you have a serious alcohol problem.

The trouble with Egypt is that there is no reliable supply of UK newspapers – never mind, we have free Wi-Fi and with the trusty laptop Wilt et al can keep up to date. I wonder if it works around the poolside – indeed is the laptop waterproof?

We will find out.

Now all we need is a few pair of shorts, sandals, t-shirts, passport, laptop, shades and a few good books. Come September, even with the Chanel Island break, Wilt et al will be very ready for some simple relaxation.

Oh, and we avoided Egyptair to get there and back – thank Gawd!

Meanwhile however Wilt has several other trips overseas for business, a UK business contract up North for a week, several reports to complete and about £70,000 worth of invoices to process – plus the Gawd awful VAT return!

When for Gawd sake will Wilt next get to North Wales – he is missing it! Fortunately for Salty Dog, she has a week long holiday there with Mrs, Ms and Master Wilt (and girlfriend) shortly – Wilt is otherwise engaged on a contract elsewhere. Mmmmmm.

Nevertheless, life is good.


Thursday 22 July 2010

Off with his head.............

Oh dear, what a shame, Nick Griffin got his invite to the Palace withdrawn: and

Send him to the Tower ‘Maam’ – Off With His Head I hear a cry!

Wilt would be quite happy if he were hung, drawn and quartered.


Wednesday 21 July 2010

Renault 4............

It’s funny how the chap in the cartoon looks a bit like Wilt:

You know, tall, dark, handsome, and intelligent! No dress sense, 1970’s beard and drives a Citroën 2CV with that odd gear configuration via a gear lever sticking out of the dashboard.

Personally, Wilt preferred the old Renault 4 – it was the ‘posh’ 1970’s/80’s social workers car and a bit more ‘racy’ both in appearance and performance. It was a “big (social worker) boy’s car” whereas the 2CV was for Nancy boys and girls. The only trouble, both were French built – many things French, except wine and food, stink.

Wilt moved into Italian such as Alfa Romeo (otherwise rust buckets) in the 1980’s, Lancia (equal rust buckets) and the Fiat super sport models Abarth – they went like a bat out of hell. Wilt is amazed he is still alive. He had a brief return to the Renault 5 Gordini Turbo – a little less sedate than the old Renault 4; in fact very scary.

In those days, as cars went, it was all Italian, French and German, oh and to be balanced GM Vauxhall who put up a good show in terms of the boy racer Astra. Ford of course had its Escort XRi.

None of these were however quintessential British – unlike Bristol, Aston Martin, Bentley, Rolls Royce or the kit car makers etc. However, then, none of these were even remotely within the reach of Wilt – he did however manage a day long test drive in a very red, very fast and very ‘girl pulling’ Ferrari.

Trying to shag in the back of a Ferrari should, seriously, come with a health warning.

So Wilt got a conscience (not about shagging – he just got a bad back) and becoming a married family man (not the lass in the Ferrari) decided he should end his boy racer career and became New Mondeo Man (via the Sierra) and, in fact, New Labour Man, eventually.

Latterly, over the past 20 years, Wilt has moved from Old Labour to encompassing New Labour and then to outright Blue Tory – gradual but persistent, I think, and inevitable progress. He has been worker, trade union rep, manager, senior manager and independent social worker and businessman - now that is a fair old journey from owning a quirky Renault 4 to running several high end UK cars based in a rather high end privately owned house, with a very profitable business.

The moral of the story – never judge a book by its cover. Some sandal wearing, hippy looking bearded social workers might just not seem to be what the image portrays. Whereas Wilt loves the (image of) the old Renault 4 he much prefers the comfort of the jolly old Range Rover and other UK Marques in the garage and on the drive.

Life is good, even without the Renault 4 – we do miss it however.


Pile on the shit..............

Now is this proportionate in terms of a disposal:

A five year admonishment – why? Are the GSCC effectively deciding to stop the woman working? We think so.

The Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) will have a record and her CRB check will show the convictions. What exactly are the GSCC achieving by adding a 5 year admonishment? They just love to pile on the shit whenever given the opportunity.

This disposal is so disproportionate – indeed it is outrageous.


Screw bomber.....

What a fucking twat:

You see social workers are in the eyes of some legitimate targets. This twat joins the ranks of the likes of Mrs C although her brand of terrorism is (to date) a little less physically violent.

What is it of late with these Northerners roaming the towns and countryside with guns and bombs? Now the latter bloke (the “screw” bomber) might have been tipped over the edge, but the two gunmen, and those that support Moat, were/are just fucking evil.



If it is not the Stig, who the hell would want to be impersonating him? See the Telegraph article here:

See one theory here: (comment 13).

Might it be Wilt? He has a Range Rover. Someone is having some fun, but not Wilt in this case.



So few who are owed so little.............

Here we go again...............

BA cabin staff are yet again considering strike action because, wait for it, their offer of a pay rise of 2.9% next year and 3% the year after is not good enough! What is wrong with these people?

Most people would simply be pleased to have a job – let alone a job with (a now failing) British Airways as a Trolley Dolly. OK, perhaps not hugely glamorous and they (some) do work hard on those flights. However compare it with working the shelves or till at your local supermarket – they work hard too but there is little to distinguish between them and those smart dressed attendants.

Well it does not look like there will be any strike action – or if there is it will be painful to watch ‘so few who are owed so little’ looking ever so lonely.


Oh what a surprise, not:

Birmingham are failing – what do people expect, for Gawd sake? Now this will be a real test for the new administration under David (call me Dave) Cameron.

The Council via Councillor Len Clark, head of children's social care:

Mr Clark said: "We know we are not good enough yet, we know more needs to be done and we know what we have to do to improve.

"But there is no quick-fix solution to the problems faced in an authority the size of Birmingham.

"Birmingham has a track record of turning around services and there is determined political will to resolve this issue and achieve our goal - a world-class children's social care service."

Last week the council said it estimated it will have to make £230m of savings during the next four years.

In February, it announced up to 2,000 jobs could be axed during the next financial year.

Unions warned that the cuts could place an unprecedented burden on social workers, making it harder for them to visit people at risk.

Cllr Clark, with all due respect you are talking out of your arse – you aint got the first fucking clue, and the answer to the size of the Council is to divide it by half (at least).

Not even Ofsted, those super-human intelligent (sic) quango-crats from hell could misunderstand an utter fucking disaster when it hits you full frontal in the face.

C’mon (call me) “Dave” – sort them out for fuck sake. In 18 months time it will be only yet worse again – believe me.


Sunday 18 July 2010

Big brother..........

Now Wilt (nor thank Gawd anyone else in his household) is a fan of Big Brother – that awful TV programme that exploits the worst characteristics of human personality.

Therefore, do we care that a certain “contestant” is the latest to be evicted? In short answer no; in full answer Wilt does not give who remains in or out of the “house.” It seems however the latest victim is some unknown called Ife – we do not give diddly shit, and more, who in their right mind cares a fuck.

See the BBC article here:

However, Wilt has been wondering - what if certain parties (Tony, Tony, Xxxxx, Xxxxx, James Plaskit (Ex-MP), Mrs C and Wilt were to join a version of Big Brother?

Now that would be interesting, we think.

Who then might be exposed as utter twats and excluded from the house first?

Mmmmmmmm now let me hazard a guess........


Good news........

Next on the hit list is the BBC – they are about to get a reality check on the meaning of austerity and big budget cuts. And you know what? Jo public will probably find their licence fee reduced – excellent.

In fact bloody brilliant – the emphasis being on bloody! Wilt enjoys those blood and guts kind of programmes

See the Telegraph article here:

And the BBC article here:

Don’t get Wilt wrong, the BBC (and the UK broadcasters in general) is still probably the best TV/Radio media in the world – compare it to US media, for example, and you would think the US are the centre of the universe – they are so parochial to the extent that the term must have been originally coined to describe US media.

Unlike of course Hollywood, these days, who make very reasonable efforts to portray concerns much wider afield – albeit there is a lot of dross too.

Mind you, compared to North Korea, the US media is a pinnacle of fully encompassing media journalism.


Hand in the till..............

Oh what a silly boy – I recall him as that prospective candidate MP in Cheltenham and had hoped he succeeded. Of all places he should have done. Not that he is black has anything to do with it – no, Gawd forbid!

Well the good Lord Taylor of (all places) Warwick is facing prosecution for fraud – but then Warwick (and Leamington Spa) has some other frauds too.

See the BBC report here on Taylor:

Guido comments further here:

Of course, the man remains innocent until proven guilty.


Friday 16 July 2010


At last, something good comes out of 9/11.

It seems the former World Trade Centre and former favourite haunt of Mr & Mrs Wilt is, in its further excavations, throwing up new insights into how Manhattan extended its defences against the surging Hudson River.

See here:

We hope they preserve it in some way, perhaps as a feature of the new complex in that part of New York – probably the best US city to visit, anytime.


Sunday 11 July 2010


Here we are again on the foreign contract, the usual nice hotel suite and thank Gawd for the swimming pool (indoors and out) and indeed the air conditioning – its sunny and 90 degrees J

The cider however is still piss poor but in this heat either chilled bottled water or iced tea is the only sensible option. The food however is brilliant. If only Wilt could recommend it; but then that would lead to the identification of Wilt – a closely guarded secret, despite the efforts of some including Mrs C of Royal Leamington Spa.

The other excellent thing about the hotel is that it has free very fast Wi-Fi in each room/suite. Talking of which Mrs C has again reverted to her T-Mobile (Android software driven) mobile phone that uses the Safari web browser to access Regulator Watch. Four times she was on the site yesterday (Saturday) right up to 21:15 pm.

That tiny screen really must hurt the eyes!

Other good things:

  • The staff – really helpful/friendly and any assistance is assured;

  • They park the car and get it ready in the morning after breakfast;

  • Satellite TV including many UK channels;

  • Complimentary laundry service (suites only) – nice fresh suit and shirt every day;

  • Free newspaper (Times for UK guests)

Looks like a couple of new contracts coming on line and thus the air miles will keep growing – not that Wilt intends to benefit from them; that would simply make him no better than those thieving MPs . You see, Wilt is good value, and although I say it myself does a good job. For all this sun, nice hotels and hire car Wilt is working solid from 08:00 am through to 19:30 pm, on multiple case matters.

And those air miles? The next business trip here will be free, benefitting the contractor.

It is however rather expensive here – hence the higher than normal fees Wilt charges. It still seems cheap to the contractor compared to employing someone themselves – even if they could find someone to employ of any competence.

Fortunately the language/culture differences are not a barrier – most people speak English fluently.

Well, I suppose I should do some prep-work for the appointments (six) tomorrow.

Life is good.


Thursday 8 July 2010

No thanks..........


Wilt feels an earlier than planned ‘early retirement’ might be coming on.

Actually Wilt has always believed that local authority social workers are “experts” in their own right (notwithstanding the occasional idiot) but to totally exclude the option of independents (ISW’s) in the Court system would be both unwise and unworkable. As Wilt has said many times on these pages, it is possible to reduce the number of experts and indeed to be more selective when appointing Guardians – and of course getting rid of Cafcass.

Both Guardians and ISW’s can and do make a very significant difference in terms of their much broader and greater experience. Most often ISW’s (Independent Social Workers) save money by shortening proceedings, despite Marion Davis claiming:

"Removing this role from the family justice system would not only contribute to reducing delays in care proceedings, but would also reduce costs."

In fact as Wilt knows only too well, not infrequently ISW’s are brought in by social services because they lack either the resources or skills. Thus excluding ISW’s would cause more delay.

Very often local authority social workers are not given the “status” they rightly deserve and in that sense ISW’s are drafted in on occasions unnecessarily – that is because inevitably birth parents (etc) demand another opinion and Guardians, who should in appropriate cases challenge, fail to resist the instruction of an ISW. Judges depend greatly on their Guardians – who are hopefully rooted into reality. On occasions Wilt has thought that his appointments were unnecessary – the evidence was already there?

On the other hand, ISW’s play a vital role, not just in terms of expertise and to overcome a lack of resources in the local authority, but also because many social workers actually welcome it, and regrettably on occasions because local authorities are quite simply incompetent.

Yes reduce the number of experts, and Guardians can be more robust in this regard, but Marion Davis has, it seems, attacked the ISW outright as a waste of money. That is not very clever, unwise and the next time her authority is looking for an expert they may just say, “No thanks.”

Now where was it Marion Davis works - must add it to the Dork list.


Tuesday 6 July 2010


The GSCC have listed their latest upcoming hearings here:

Four cases are listed, all rather interesting in their different ways, and all to heard at the GSCC HQ, as follows:




Each is listed for a single day hearing, except for one which is two days (Trounce) which involves, it is alleged, blackmail. Oooooeeeeerrrr!!!!



Now we all know that Wilt is something of a simple minded chap – at his age keeping things simple is necessary. The previous Gordon Brown led Government complicated (and generally fucked up) almost everything. The only uncomplicated thing Brown can be thanked for, to wilt’s mind, is the “flat rate” VAT scheme – it’s too complicated to explain! However Wilt’s bookkeeper and accountant sort all that out.

You see, if Wilt’s services were no longer required, or if he were short of work (which he aint), he would just move on to other new work. No severance pay (except for breach of contract) and no pension either – not until it matures after years of contributions by the said Wilt, and no one else. The only exception is his current pension (taken in a lump sum – thank you) and his pending local government pension to kick in soon – and very good it is too. He was very lucky that the LA pension is so generous, and “locked” until he shortly falls off his desk chair and hangs up his Court/business suit.

To Wilt, simple minded as he is, he made good provision for the future, and indeed for the future of his offspring, friends and family – together with Mrs Wilt probably a combined portfolio in excess of £Xm. Not a lot we admit, but enough for the prudent and well in excess of that which most can hope to bestow upon their journey to their maker (or the devil).

However, what about our current civil servants and local government officers pensions and severance? Pensions will without doubt require them to contribute more, a considerable amount more, and their severance pay will be reduced, Wilt is in no doubt, the up to “6 years” redundancy payments will not now happen further – what fucking idiot ever agreed that? Probably Gordon Brown advised by Ed “Ferkin” Balls, the smarmy bastard.

The Telegraph has about the best article:

And others include:

What rather confuses Wilt is the threat of strike action – “OK comrades we will go on strike cos we are to be sacked.........And sacked without severance pay of six years” The “comrade” union official on a £250,000 salary thinks and then adds “Comrades you deserve better, you have served (sic) your country and the public well – what reward are you given? A few weeks’ severance pay and a p45 with the option to actually work (I mean do a real days work) for a living in the private sector, no expenses, no huge paid holiday and sick leave entitlements.”

The man dressed in a very expensive suit continues with a lump in his throat: “Comrades, I need you, my children in public school need you, my wife (who shags many of my colleagues) needs you (although I hope not all of you 600,000) and I have a standard of living to expect from your union contributions – how else am I expected to live? I would have to go out to work, for Gawd sake – is that reasonable?

A lone, very shaky voice peeps up – “ahem, so I go on strike, lose my job anyway and I have less money than I would have had if I had not gone on strike, and yet you still get my contribution to your trade union that pays you 70 times more than me to achieve what exactly?”

The “comrade” replies – “It’s your duty to serve your comrades and the union.”

Union member: “Can I get a rebate on my union contributions?”

Wilt kind of thinks most civil servants and local government officers realised, albeit too late and regretfully, that at some point they were to join the real world – the real world beyond state benefits and state salaries.

You see there is not a lot of difference between a state benefit and a state salary – both waste space and both drain money from those who actually do a day’s work!


ps: There are more recent articles since the above was drafted. See:


The gloves are off – a big scrap in Whitehall is pending.

Next: the quango, local authorities and, possibly, MPs!

Perhaps the nice civil servants can develop an Iphone application for calculating the difference between what they could have expected to get and what they will get in redundancy payouts. See


What is wrong with these people? They have no fucking clue about proper budget management and have been spending money we do not have, on toys phone the iPhone! See the article here:

Did they not realise there was a thing called a recession and now a major fiscal deficit? An application for your iPhone on how to change a wheel on your car – that must be a priority! Generally the car manual is useful for that kind of thing, I find.

Well, how can they then complain about reduction in both civil service pensions and redundancy packages?

Beam me up Scotty, please!


Tree Surgeon..........

The other week when Wilt was away he had a letter from the local Council advising that his large tree at the back of his garden and was overgrown.

Wilt sent the nice man a, for him, very positive and courteous reply.  It is overgrown, and the tree too!

Anyway, finding a properly qualified tree surgeon is harder than you think, and it is a large tree.

About 12 months ago a man knocks on the front door advising me that a couple of trees at the front of the house could do with a trim and he could do it at a reasonable price. “OK” says Wilt (like a jerk) and the man hacks away at the branches and carries off the wood in the back of his van – job done, money paid. Wilt felt satisfied that he had supported local business, which he regards as very important – a further example the Wilt’s have their milk delivered by the local milkman (a small family business) albeit at a much higher price than if the milk was purchased at Mr Sainsbury’s. Likewise meat from the butchers and veg from the local farm shop – it all helps to keep local business (and employment) running. Anyway you get the idea – buy local and British.

You see Wilt is always bemused by these chaps who during the World Cup (either rugby or football) fly the St Georges Cross from their car windows but are driving a BMW or some other foreign motor. If they are so fucking patriotic why do they not buy British? Wilt does and has almost always done so, after he got the “boy racer” period over with the help of his former sporty Italian cars.

Anyway, back to the trees at the front of the house . Mrs Wilt kept saying to Wilt, “You know that one tree looks dead.” Wilt pretending to be knowledgeable on such matters dismissed the observation and said “no, it is just a little distressed and will grow back.”

That was when the Wilt’s had two trees on the front lawn – a largish lawn. They now have just the one! The other one required a little more “trimming” with a bloody large fucking chain saw – all that remains is a stump, albeit Wilt passes it off to friends, family and neighbours as a “garden feature!”

As for the said overgrown tree at the back of the house, that needs some serious attention. Hence this time a proper tree surgeon is required.

Wilt telephones the local council – “hello, this overgrown tree problem, do you have a list of tree surgeons I might be able to consult?”

Council employee: “We do have tree surgeons but they only work for us.”

Wilt: “Sorry you misunderstand me, do you have a list of private contractors which I could consult.”

Council employee: “Oh so you intend to do the work then.”

Wilt: <pause> “no, I thought I would phone you just for a chat!”

Council employee: “Ah well you see lots opf people telephone and say they are going to do the work, when they don’t.”

Wilt: <pause again, a little longer> “I sent you a letter explaining I would sort it out.”

Council employee: “So when exactly, can I say by next week?”

Wilt: <loses the will to live> “Um, well that depends on if I can find a tree surgeon and when they can do the work.”

Council employee: “Our tree surgeons only do work for the council.”

Wilt: <now utterly frustrated> Yes, and in what way does that help me? My query was do you have a list of tree surgeons that the public might use?”

Council employee: <mumbles in background to colleague> “We are not aware of any tree surgeons. I will update the system <some database> that you will be doing the work.”

Wilt: <lost for words> “OK, thank you for not helping me today.”

What is fucking wrong with these people?

Is it any wonder why the general public feel so bemused by the local services offered by their ‘public servants.’ What was intended to be a ‘public service query’ transpired into an interrogation of the very same public who pay those (so called) ‘public servants’ wages.

Eric Pickles, where are you mate? Please give some relief to Wilt.

No sooner asked and this appears in the news:

Eric the man does come to the rescue – I only hope he reads my blog. He might deduce that some “surgery” in environmental services is necessary. Sadly his CV does not list ‘tree surgery’ as one of his vocations, otherwise he would get the job.

For Gawd sake!


Monday 5 July 2010

GSCC Prejudice..........

Oooooops, the GSCC have again made another cock up, as determined by the Care Standards Tribunal. The adjudication can be found here: It involves:

  • Evidence of delay by the GSCC

  • Simple lack of investigation (not even an incompetent one)

  • No proper weighing of the “public safety” test (at all it seems) against the “interests of the registrant”

  • No proper consideration of proportionality of their decision

Unfortunately the GSCC get a slapped wrist and told to “do better next time.” Ah but will they? We will see.

There is, it seems to Wilt, a long history of the GSCC showing “previous form” e.g. they are recidivists. They have this terrible habit of forgetting that it is for them the burden to prove guilt – they simply find it easier to take the approach of “guilty until proven innocent.” It’s a lot simpler for them – never mind the poor registrant.

That is particularly true in another recent Care Standards Tribunal finding, below.

In a separate Case yet again the GSCC get a “clip around the ear. In one sense one could understand the GSCC exercising caution but the case illustrates three things:

  • Delay (again)

  • Lack of investigation/analysis skills, AND

  • Prejudice

This judgement, carefully weighed up as usual by the Care Standards Tribunal, is well worth a read.

Now these cases do stem back to the time when the GSCC were experiencing, it is reported, exceptional difficulties. It was, more to the point under the old management of the disgraced Mike Wardle, albeit the concerns outlined in these two recent case examples can be found in other cases from well before he was there – he was just a useful scapegoat.

Wilt has observed hitherto he is hopeful for the new management at the GSCC (if they survive at all) – I hope this is not the start of another long list of GSCC failures.


Friday 2 July 2010


Wilt, he confesses is a bit of a “tart” and loves toys which makes life easier – not like a friend who has a “remote” for his TV and parks it next to the TV so he has to get up to collect the remote to change channels!  The fucking idiot has just lost the plot and lacks the simple common sense to appreciate that the TV “remote” is meant to be parked on the arm of the sofa – and this bloke is Oxbridge educated!

“Oh yes” he says as this fact is pointed out to him and one sees a light bulb lighting up over his head, as if in some cartoon – boy do I have some odd friends!

Anyway, back to toys and remotes..........

Mr & Mrs Wilt have this rather large double garage which we occasionally use to park a car overnight or more often whilst away for any period. Now the door to this garage is firkin huge, very heavy and gives Wilt a back ache whenever opening and closing it – so today he had Mr Electrician (and general good mate) fit a motor to the said door and now, gracefully, opens and closes at the simple touch of a key fob which each of the Wilt’s have attached to their keys – fucking brilliant!

No back ache and the neighbours are very impressed as Wilt drives up to an automatic opening garage door – posh or what?

All that is needed now is a robot to drive Wilt and Salty Dog to and forth the pub, oh and one that can cut the lawns and do the flower borders – mind you, what otherwise would Salty Dog do?


Where are you Mr Cyclops?..................

It may, or may not, be a familiar news story that Gordon (Cyclops) Brown has been absent from Parliament since he walked elegantly (very difficult for him) from Downing Street hand in hand with wife and children – it was Wilt admits not a vitriolic sight even though he has dreamt of Gordon “just departing” from politics for many a year.

Wilt never intended however that he should just draw his salary and stay at home – I know it has been difficult Gordon, God don’t I know given the fucking mess you left us all in, but can you justify not representing your constituents at parliament? Why exactly are you absent without leave?

Is it perhaps true as Guido reports that you are locked up in some mental health asylum, or are you just not giving a shit?

What about that career change, in the event you were no longer needed by the British public to serve your country – I submit by now you understand you are no longer required. You do however draw down a large salary, not as much as Wilt I confess, but at least Wilt “works” for his hard earned dosh. What exactly are you doing you stupid one eyed fucking twat?

Wilt suggests a career move for Gordon – how about (on a voluntary basis – no remuneration or expenses) undertaking a 5000 foot engineering survey of a 4999 foot pier over the Grand Canyon in the good old USA. Warning – no parachutes are allowed on this venture. Wilt is aware however of millions of people who would sponsor you on this great service to UK society, indeed world peace.

Keep taking the tablets Gordon – soon you might like to join forces with dune boy Plaskitt and Mrs C. They too have tablets which are mind changing – in fact LSD has that effect. Bloody brilliant stuff if you want to get “off this world” and live in cloud cuckoo land.

Wilt and Salty Dog prefer cider – a far more sophisticated, Wilt argues, of relaxing.

We are not missing you Gordon – not even a little bit but then you have duties to perform. Where are you Mr Cyclops?


"Virgin” on the ridiculous..........

The author of this email is obviously of similar character to Wilt: see the Telegraph article here:

It’s an absolute must read – Wilt has been rolling around on the floor laughing for half an hour, which is why it took me that long to read it.

I must admit Virgin is Mr and Mrs Wilt’s preferred airline but perhaps not to Mumbai. The response from Branson, when you look at the evidence in the photographs supplied by the correspondent, is “Virgin” on the ridiculous.

I’ve not had such a good laugh since Tuesday after hearing Mrs C was arrested.


Thursday 1 July 2010

Ten Commandments...........

I do have to say I found this rather helpful:

Thank you community care: and Judy Cooper/David Carson.



Baby P is all over the news again, albeit this time to the benefit of social workers:

And here:

And here:

We are pleased that there is justice after all – a bit like with Mrs C who will also soon be all over the pages of the press. Poetic justice, wherefore lacking Dunes Boy Plaskitt, for the moment!

Meanwhile, Doctors get some headlines too – aint it strange all this is so belated? See article here:

Perhaps the Doctor needs compensation too. The social worker certainly deserved it.


Real and present danger.............

This is not about the film of the same title, although Mrs Wilt drools after Harrison Ford. Wilt looks a little like him, although better looking. <Edit note: Mrs Wilt falls off desk chair in howls of laughter and files for divorce on the ground that Wilt is utterly mad>


Oh what a surprise, not:

Of course Cafcass is going to be reviewed and it is not going to be a pleasant sight when the knife (or hatchet) blade comes in contact with flesh.

There has to be some kind of Children’s Guardian service but it does not need a Cafcass to run it – Courts or solicitors can do a better job, “cooperatives” (I hear Mrs Wilt shout – she also a Guardian) can also do the job, provided I argue there is some effective accountability professionally for independent Guardians i.e. they are supervised and are not let loose to run around and create havoc (and consequential costs) in the Family and County Court Family Divisions, as they had been hitherto.

The Ivory Towers of some Guardians, some of whom are a positive liability to the welfare of children, is a real and present danger. They utterly lack the skills necessary and are nothing less than armchair social workers who press the remote control buttons, thinking they are doing good – or worse in some cases knowing they are doing no good and simply claim the salary/fees/expenses for doing the minimum possible – and then suddenly realise “oh my Gawd I need to see the child and consult them.”

There are however excellent Guardians, very child focused and very driven to achieve the best for children – what they think is best and what Wilt may think is best may not always be agreed, but at least I respect their commitment and efforts, and indeed sometimes their superiority of argument over Wilt, who generally takes a very pragmatic approach. I have learned an awful lot from colleague Guardians of substance and merit, regrettably  have learned a lot more from Dorks who just happen to have the same title – but learned for the better.

What future then Guardians?

We could become very radical and vest the role back to the Probation Service, as it was pre-Children Act 1989. Perhaps not – these days that service has gone to the wall too!

Whatever, Wilt sees his income stream, in the UK at least, declining as Cafcass (indeed the whole Guardian service) and professional witness scheme feeling the Cameron et al effect on budget reductions. Hopefully it will be the precision of the surgeon’s blade rather than the butcher’s hatchet.
